Cara Mengira Minat Sederhana dan Kompaun

Cara Mengira Minat Sederhana dan Kompaun

Matematik adalah bahagian penting dalam pengaturcaraan. Sekiranya anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah sederhana di kawasan ini, anda akan berjuang lebih banyak daripada yang berlaku.

Nasib baik, belajar bagaimana melakukannya tidak terlalu sukar. Dalam artikel ini, anda akan belajar cara mengira minat sederhana dan faedah kompaun menggunakan Python, C ++, dan JavaScript.

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Bagaimana Anda Mengira Minat Sederhana?

Bunga sederhana adalah kaedah untuk mengira jumlah faedah yang dikenakan pada jumlah prinsip pada kadar tertentu dan untuk jangka masa tertentu. Anda boleh mengira minat sederhana dengan menggunakan formula berikut:

Simple Interest = (P x R x T)/100
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time

Penyataan Masalah

Anda diberi jumlah prinsip , kadar faedah , dan masa . Anda perlu mengira dan mencetak minat sederhana untuk nilai yang diberikan. Contohnya : Biarkan prinsip = 1000, kadar = 7, dan timePeriod = 2. Minat Sederhana = (prinsip * kadar * masaPeriod) / 100 = (1000 * 7 * 2) / 100 = 140. Oleh itu, output adalah 140.

Program C ++ untuk Mengira Minat Sederhana

Berikut adalah program C ++ untuk mengira minat sederhana:

// C++ program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate simple interest
float calculateSimpleInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;

int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392

Berkaitan: Cara Mencari Semua Faktor Nombor Asli dalam C ++, Python, dan JavaScript

Program Python untuk Mengira Minat Sederhana

Berikut adalah program Python untuk mengira minat sederhana:

# Python program to calculate simple interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate simple interest
def calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100

principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140.0
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392.0

Berkaitan: Cara Menyelesaikan Cabaran FizzBuzz dalam Bahasa Pengaturcaraan yang Berbeza

Program JavaScript untuk Mengira Minat Sederhana

Berikut adalah program JavaScript untuk mengira minat sederhana:

// JavaScript program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
// Function to calculate simple interest
function calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392

Cara Mengira Kepentingan Kompaun

Faedah kompaun adalah penambahan faedah kepada jumlah pokok. Dengan kata lain, ini adalah minat terhadap minat. Anda boleh mengira faedah kompaun dengan menggunakan formula berikut:

Amount= P(1 + R/100)T
Compound Interest = Amount – P
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time

Penyataan Masalah

Anda diberi jumlah prinsip , kadar faedah , dan masa . Anda perlu mengira dan mencetak faedah kompaun untuk nilai yang diberikan. Contohnya : Biarkan prinsip = 1000, kadar = 7, dan masaPeriod = 2. Jumlah = P (1 + R / 100) T = 1144.9 Kepentingan Sebatian = Jumlah - Jumlah Prinsip = 1144.9 - 1000 = 144.9 Oleh itu, outputnya adalah 144.9.

Program C ++ untuk Mengira Kepentingan Kompaun

Berikut adalah program C ++ untuk mengira faedah kompaun:

// C++ program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate compound interest
float calculateCompoundInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
double amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.85

Berkaitan: Cara Membalikkan Array dalam C ++, Python, dan JavaScript

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Program Python untuk Mengira Kepentingan Kompaun

Berikut adalah program Python untuk mengira faedah kompaun:

# Python program to calculate compound interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate compound interest
def calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod))
return amount - principle
principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768026

Berkaitan: Cara Mencari Jumlah Semua Elemen dalam Array

Program JavaScript untuk Mengira Minat Kompaun

Berikut adalah program JavaScript untuk mengira faedah kompaun:

// JavaScript program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.

// Function to calculate compound interest
function calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
var amount = principle * (Math.pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768008

Belajar Mengod secara Percuma: Mulakan Dengan Minat Ringkas dan Kompaun

Pada masa ini, kesan pengekodan semakin meningkat. Sejalan dengan ini, permintaan untuk pengekod yang mahir juga meningkat dengan pesat. Terdapat salah tanggapan di kalangan orang bahawa mereka boleh belajar membuat kod hanya setelah membayar bayaran yang tinggi. Tetapi itu tidak benar. Anda boleh belajar membuat kod secara percuma dari platform seperti freeCodeCamp, Khan Academy, YouTube, dan sebagainya. Jadi, walaupun anda tidak mempunyai anggaran yang besar, anda tidak perlu risau kehilangannya.

Berkongsi Berkongsi Tweet E-mel 7 Cara Terbaik untuk Belajar Mengekod secara Percuma

Anda tidak boleh belajar membuat kod secara percuma. Kecuali anda memberikan sumber daya yang dicuba dan diuji ini, tentu saja.

Baca Seterusnya
Topik-topik yang berkaitan
  • Pengaturcaraan
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Tutorial Pengekodan
Mengenai Pengarang Yuvraj Chandra(60 Artikel Diterbitkan)

Yuvraj adalah pelajar sarjana Sains Komputer di University of Delhi, India. Dia meminati Pembangunan Web Stack Penuh. Ketika dia tidak menulis, dia meneroka kedalaman teknologi yang berbeza.

Lagi Dari Yuvraj Chandra

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